Dota 2 is popular free-to-play game by Valve. Its fanbase is huge, with an average of 500,000 players online at any one time (and nearly 14 million unique players monthly), and growing. The game has team-oriented gameplay, a large number of uniques heroes, and exciting tournaments with ludicrous USD$24 million prize pools. Dota 2 has something to offer to most gamers, from those who prefer strategy and tactics, to those who like aggressive twitchy action, and even those who enjoy agriculture.

We will take a look at Dota 2's settings and the impact that has on the game. If you just want to know what to buy without all the in-depth analysis, you can skip to the conclusion.

Dota 2's gameplay is deep, requiring practice and skill. But what about the hardware requirements to play the game? Fortunately, the Source game engine that drives Dota 2 is quite easy on hardware, so most decent PCs should be able to handle the game well, even at high resolutions and settings. Let us take a look at what Logical Increments tier you should build to play Dota 2.

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